ok la/poor/nothing special/nice/great!
2. Are the overall sites attractive?
ok la/poor/nothing special/nice/great!
3. Are the colors combination for the sites are attractive?
ok la/poor/nothing special/nice/great!
4.Do you think it's easy to understand the contents for this site?
ok la/poor/nothing special/nice/great!
5.Do you know which page you in when you look at it?
ya/sure/erm...lets see/no...i'm lost!
6.Do you know what site is it?what web is it?(list out)
ya/no/wat the hell is it?
Any comment to improve my web?(button,interactive,design,color..)
pls giv comment...ur comment will be useful to me alot and i will appreciate ur comment.
very nice mar... de monster same like u!
really very nice!!!
keep it up!!
i not wanting u both said very nice le...
yor...u r not helping me at all....
1 nice
2 nice
3 nice
4 ok la
5 erm..lets see
6 ya
1. Is the homepage attractive?
2. Are the overall sites attractive?
3. Are the colors combination for the sites are attractive?
4.Do you think it's easy to understand the contents for this site?
5.Do you know which page you in when you look at it?
6.Do you know what site is it?what web is it?(list out)
ya, making paper toys.
Any comment to improve my web?(button,interactive,design,color..)
actually overall looks fine... just the arrangement for content maybe can improve more... =)
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