what is PTPTN? PTPTN is for the student who not enough money to pay their fees and so they borrow the money from government. And after they come out to work, every month they have to pay back the government.
what is commission of oaths? commission of oaths are Documents, affidavits,witnessed. So when u apply PTPTN, and u are studying at other places, and u did not have the time to go back to hometown to let headmaster to sign ur documents. so u go the the commission of oaths and pay him to let him sign.
Mostly 1 sign cost u
RM4! sometimes human are greedy. and when u are just a teenager, go commission of oaths without parents, they will buli u. HOW TO BULI? good question! Some documents are needed ur parents sign.and so u let ur parents sign. then when u go there and let him sign ur documents,he will said it :
ur father and mother didnt come,i do not know this sign wheather is ur father n mother sign or u sign. So,if u want me sign it will cost ***. FUCKER! it depends on how much he want to cost u.For me, last time he cost me
RM20!just for 1 document! others counts as
RM4. Try to think, the PTPTN need how much of his sign?the total is almost
Use ur mind,will ur parents always be so free to company go there? or,parents for other town are just came here and sign the PTPTN,and mostly,they only free on saturday and sunday. and the commission of oaths does not open on saturday and sunday!
And the second time he cost me
RM8 per sign without parent! 4 signature are parent so 4 x 8 =
RM32.then the others leh? 4x4=
RM16.SO the whole things cost me RM48! how good is this work is..only sit the big fat butt at the stupid office and use his big fat hand to sign can earn so much damn money!
and by the way,he already retire! had to wait another guy to sign it for us! retire then go home sleep la! still at here cheat student money!
the commission of oaths that i go is
Subang SS15 there.So if u got others place, do not go there..that fucker cheat money de!
the whole PTPTN edi cost me
RM100++ try to think,PTPTN is for student that are poor/middle class to borrow.but it need so much money then only u can borrow it...how clever!

this stamp is RM10 per 1...i really dun understand what the hell in this world this stamp are so expansive!